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  • 常見問題
  • Q:寵物與人同行行李拖運及寵物單獨寄送貨運出國是什麼?
    Q:What are the differences between Pets Travelling with People - "As excess as baggage" and Pets transported individually - "Cargo"?
    1. A:寵物與人同行是指寵物以行李託運的方式出國,寵物機票是以飼主在訂購機票事告知航空公司要攜帶寵物上飛機並且幫寵物保留艙位,其寵物機票價格計算方式因每家航空公司不一樣,訂票時可詢問該航空公司客服人員。


      A:Pets travelling with people means that pets go abroad as checked baggage. As for pet air tickets, owners would need to ask the airline to reserve a cabin for their pets when booking air tickets. (The price calculation method for pet air tickets will differ between each airline, thus, ask the customer service staff of the airline.)
      Pets transported individually means that pets are flown out of the country individually by cargo through customs clearance procedures. This method is mostly used when the owner is not in Taiwan or is unable to take the pet out of the country in person, however, some countries are limited to this method. (For freight air tickets in this way, we will calculate the volume based on the weight of the pet to book the space.)
  • Q:我的寵物如果與我同行以行李託運方式出國會在貨艙還是客艙呢?
    Q:If my pet travels abroad with me as checked baggage, will he/she be in the cargo hold or the passenger cabin?
    1. A:各家航空公司規定不一樣。如長榮以及華航,寵物只能在貨艙。如美聯航,達美航空,荷蘭航空少許航空公司可讓寵物上客艙,但有其限制。因此訂票時須先與航空公司客服人員確定寵物採用行李託運方式時,其限制能在客艙或是貨艙。

      A:Each airline has different regulations. For example, EVA Air and China Airlines only allow pets in the cargo hold; United Airlines, Delta Air Lines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, among others, allow pets in passenger cabins, but there are some restrictions. Therefore, owners must first confirm their preferred method with the airline’s customer service staff when booking tickets.
  • Q:我的寵物出國若是在貨艙會有危險嗎?
    Q:Will my pet be in danger if he/she is in the cargo hold when flown abroad?
    1. A:只要寵物能上機,無論是採用行李托運方式或是寵物單獨貨運Cargo出口方式,所待的貨艙皆是有氧艙恆溫恆壓,大可放心。

      A:As long as pets can board the plane, owners can rest assured that they are staying in an aerobic cabin with constant temperature and pressure control whether checked as baggage or cargo.
  • Q:哪些國家只允許寵物單獨貨運Cargo 貨運入境呢?
    Q:Which countries only allow pets to travel in cargo when entering?
    1. A:香港,澳洲,紐西蘭,英國等少數國家。

      A:Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, the UK, among a few other countries.
  • Q:哪些國家需要輸入許可證呢?
    Q:Which countries require import permits?
    1. A:美國,泰國,菲律賓,日本,台灣,澳洲,紐西蘭,新加坡,馬來西亞,台灣,等國家。

      A:USA, Australia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, among other countries.
  • Q:什麼是狂犬病中和抗體力價檢測呢?
    Q:What is a Rabies-Neutralising Antibody Titre Test (RNATT)?
    1. A:入境非疫區國家必須確保寵物身上的狂犬病抗體是足夠的,因此入境國家規定必須要通過符合動物衛生組織(WOAH)認可的實驗室之血檢才能入境。如日本,澳洲,紐西蘭,新加坡,韓國,台灣,大陸等國家。

      A:When entering a country that is rabies-free, you must ensure that your pet has sufficient rabies antibodies. Therefore, the country of entry stipulates that pets must pass a blood test from a laboratory accredited by the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) before they can enter the country. Rabies-free countries include Australia, China, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan, among others.
  • Q:哪些國家我的寵物必需要隔離呢?
    Q:Which countries require my pets to be quarantined?
    1. A:澳洲,紐西蘭,新加坡,馬來西亞,台灣等少部分國家需進行隔離。

      A:Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Taiwan, among a few others.
  • Q:什麼是一條龍服務呢?
    Q:What is a one-stop service?
    1. A:指您的寵物所有的文件以及運輸皆由我們一手包辦,從出口到進口,有我們豐富經驗的獸醫師以及各國專業的代理商並非跑單幫和貨運公司組成的專業團隊來共同運輸您的寵物。無論是飼主是否在國外還是國內皆可以放心,所有複雜的手續問題由我們替您完成。您只需要在家安心等待您的寵物寶貝到身邊即可。

      A: From export to import, all documents and transportation are handled by us. We have a professional team composed of our experienced veterinarians, professional agencies and freight companies from various countries to work together to transport your pets. Whether you are at home or abroad, you can rest assured that we will complete all the complicated procedures for you. All you have to do is wait at home for your pet to arrive!
  • Q:為何澳洲地區只能一條龍服務呢?
    Q:Why are there only One-Stop-Services for Australia?
    1. A:澳洲地區是非常嚴格的國家,為確保寵物能順利入境。我們只能提供一條龍服務!常常有家長找別家辦理或是自行處理文件,發現出了問題。但因為責任歸屬的問題,我們無法半途接手他人文件的! 我們專辦澳洲一條龍,就是要給家長最高的品質和安心!

      A:Australia is a very strict country, so to ensure that your pet can enter the country smoothly. We can only provide One-Stop-Service! Often, owners find an another agent to handle their pet's paperwork, or handle by the owner. Then find something has gone wrong. However, due to the problem of responsibility, we can not take over other people's documents in the middle of the process! We specialize in One-Stop-Service in Australia, in order to give parents the highest quality and peace of mind!